Rules of Use for ODOT Rest Areas
As described in Oregon Administrative Rule 734-030-0010, to preserve state property and increase health and safety in Department rest areas, the following activities are prohibited:
- Lighting a fire
- Picking, removing, or damaging plant life or forest products
- Hunting, trapping, or injuring birds or animals.
- Discharging a firearm, bow and arrow, or other weapon
- Discharging fireworks, explosives, or other similar devices
- Mutilating, defacing, damaging or removing any property, structure or facility
- Digging up, defacing, or removing any dirt, stone, rock, or other natural substance
- Operating a concession or selling merchandise, food, or services, except for a permitted "free coffee" service, or vending machines under an agreement with the Department of Transportation or Travel Information Council
- Blocking access to the restroom
- Smoking or carrying a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or other smoking implement, in a restroom building or within 20 feet of a restroom building
- Operating a motor vehicle in any area not intended for motor vehicles
- Parking a motor vehicle outside the designated parking area or parking in violation of any posted parking regulation
- Allowing a pet to run loose. Allowing a pet on a leash, except a guide animal, in any area except designated pet areas. Allowing a pet, except a guide animal, in any building.
- Allowing livestock to run at large or to be in any area except in designated pet or livestock areas
- Placing a poster, flyer, sign or other marker in or on any utility pole, sign post, building or other facility in a rest area
- Depositing garbage, recyclables, or refuse of any kind except in designated containers
- Dumping, spilling or allowing to leak any sewage, waste water, or other substance from the vehicle
- Using a restroom to bathe or wash clothing, dishes or other materials
- Setting up a tent or other structure, camping, or remaining in a rest area for more than 12 hours within any 24-hour period
- Participating in a disturbance or riotous or other behavior which interferes with the reasonable use of the rest area by other visitors
- Obstructing, harassing or interfering with a Department of Transportation or Travel Information Council employee or Rest Area Attendant in the performance of their duties
- Creating noise by any means which interferes with the reasonable use of the rest area by other visitors
Failure to comply with rest area regulations governing health and safety in a rest area may result in a Class B violation. Upon receipt of a citation the person must leave the rest area immediately.
The rules of use for other rest opportunities are determined by the entity that provides the facility and may vary based on the site.