Roadside Cameras
The following lists provide links to all ODOT roadside cameras. These links open popups with still camera images.
West Oregon, Including the City of Eugene
I-5 at Coburg NB
I-5 at Coburg SB
I-5 at Cottage Grove - 2 miles south
I-5 at Cottage Grove - 2 miles south
I-5 at Del Rio Rd.
I-5 at Del Rio Rd.
I-5 at Egge Rd
I-5 at Egge Rd
I-5 at Exit 162
I-5 at Exit 162
I-5 at I-105
I-5 at Lake Creek - South of ORE228
I-5 at Martin Creek
I-5 at Martin Creek
I-5 at Myrtle Creek
I-5 at Myrtle Creek
I-5 at Myrtle Creek
I-5 at Near ORE 225 McVay Hwy
I-5 at North Albany
I-5 at OR569 Beltline
I-5 at OR569 Beltline
I-5 at ORE34
I-5 at Rice Hill
I-5 at Rice Hill
I-5 at Roberts Mountain
I-5 at Roberts Mountain
I-5 at Roberts Mountain
I-5 at Roberts Mountain
I-5 at Roseburg
I-5 at Roseburg - Garden Valley
I-5 at Roseburg - Garden Valley
I-5 at Roseburg - Milepost 120
I-5 at Sutherlin
I-5 at Sutherlin
I-5 at US20 MP 233.2
I-5 at Willamette River Bridge
I-5 Near Goshen
ORE126 at Central Rd
ORE126 at Central Rd
US101 at Bullards Bridge
US101 at Bullards Bridge
US101 at Cape Cove
US101 at Cape Cove
US101 at E. Beaver Ln (Beaver Hill) NB
US101 at E. Beaver Ln. (Beaver Hill) SB
US101 at Gardiner Hill
US101 at Gardiner Hill
US101 at McCullough Bridge
US101 at Newport - Yaquina Bay Bridge N
US101 at Newport - Yaquina Bay Bridge S
US101 at Newport - Yaquina Bay Jetty
US101 at OR42S
US101 at OR42S
US101 at ORE126 S
US101 at Reedsport
US101 at Reedsport
Century Drive at MP 21.11
Century Drive at MP 21.11
Coburg - I-5 at Van Duyn Rd
Eugene - 11th at Bailey Hill
Eugene - 11th at Bertelsen
Eugene - 11th at Garfield
Eugene - 11th at McKinley
Eugene - 11th at Oak Patch
Eugene - 6th at Blair
Eugene - 6th at Chambers
Eugene - 6th at Charnelton
Eugene - 6th at Garfield
Eugene - 7th at Chambers
Eugene - 7th at Jefferson
Eugene - 8th at Charnelton
Eugene - Coburg Rd at I-105 EB Onramp
Eugene - Coburg Rd at I-105 Flyover Ramp
Eugene - Delta Hwy Near Valley River
Eugene - Delta Hwy Near Valley River
Eugene - Ferry St. Bridge Viaduct at 6th Ave
Eugene - Ferry Street Bridge